Saturday, March 03, 2007


There's a lunar eclipse happening at the moment!

It started when I was out driving earlier this evening, which was a bit dangerous, because I was staring at the moon rather than watching the road.

But it didn't matter too much, because I only ever try to park behind shabby, non-expensive know.....just in case.

I'd take a picture of it for you (the moon, not my parking), but to be honest, I really can't be bothered. And it doesn't matter, because it's the thought that counts. =)

I don't really have anything to say, other than that.




never mind.

I'll tell you later.


Have you ever been to the postsecret blog? It's SO interesting.

Basically, people send in their secrets (anonymously, of course) on a postcard, and then they get scanned in and put on the website.

There aren't that many on the blog, but there is a myspace with more on.

(warning: some of them are funny, but some of them are slightly scary and make you think that the world is full of psychopaths. It probably is full of psychopaths, but even if it is, I'd rather not know...)

Here are some of my favourites:


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