Monday, September 19, 2005

Back to School...

Today was my first day in school for about 8 weeks! I was actually happy to go back!!! I missed everyone so much!

We didnt get much work done, coz everyone was catching up on all the news.

I heard a really funny story!!! (Well, I thought it was funny! It might not be as funny written down, but I was crying with laughter!!!)
One of my friends (who will remain anonymous - let's call her 'M') was working at a gym over the summer. There was a fitness trainer there called John who was, apparently, very attractive.
When it got quiet in the gym, he offered to give 'M' a fitness test to pass the time. When he checked her pulse (with the machine-thing) it was 67, but then he leaned over and put his arms around her to hold the arm thing lower down, and her pulse went up to 74!
He noticed, and said, "Hey...Look! I made your pulse go up!"
She got kinda embarrassed, and said, "Erm...maybe its reading both of our pulses at the same time?!" but then realised how stupid it sounded, and just sat there staring at the floor...!!!!

Needless to say, they are not going out now!

Another of my friends got hit on by a 23 year old man at her Dad's wedding. He wont leave her alone now.... Thats sick! If you're not safe at your Dad's wedding, where are you safe?!



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