Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Get Lost!

I have become totally addicted to Lost. It all started when I was sick a few months ago, and a somebody lent me season 1 so I didn't go mad from boredom. I was alone all weekend, and watched the entire first season in 3 days.

I have to mute it when the Lost title comes up, because the noise that comes along with it (you can't really call it a theme tune) is really scary.

[Edit: This next bit is optional. It is a bit pathetic and also grammatically crazy.]
Well, OK, the Lost noise isn't that scary, but when you've been alone all weekend watching Lost, and it's dark, and and the dog on Lost starts barking at the same time that your dog starts barking downstairs, and then you try and go downstairs to see whats wrong with your dog, and when you get half way to the kitchen, you hear that scary noise in your head, even though you know FULL WELL you paused it upstairs, and then you have to phone your friend to try and calm down, and as soon as your friend picks up the phone, you glimpse your own reflection in a glass door, think it is Sayid, and then start shrieking down the phone.......... yeah. Don't watch it for more than 4 hours at a time. (Btw, I look nothing like Sayid. I don't even have curly hair. I don't know why that happened. Blame it on The Island's magical powers.)
[----> Optional bit over.]

Anyway. I have had lots of interesting conversations with friends about Lost, and have heard many different theories behind what The Island is all about, and who The Others are.
I have almost caught up with the rest of the world now - I started season 4 today. The thing is, once I'm up to date, I'll only be able to watch them as and when they are broadcast. I won't be able to watch 7 in a row anymore. Even though I haven't run out of episodes yet, I kinda feel like it's the last day of summer camp or something.
A good thing is coming to an end. =(

Though on the plus side, we are going to get a lot of questions answered this season. It's meant to be the last one I think, so the big question is, IS THERE LIFE AFTER LOST?!
For the Oceanic 6? For the other suriviors? For The Others (or what's left of them, anyway)?
Is there going to be life for us, after the series is over? What will we do with ourselves?

Actually....thats a lie. The BIGGEST question is, who will Kate get with, Sawyer or Jack? I have not really nailed my colours to the mast when it comes to the 'Skate/Jate debate'. Though I thought the 'Jate is Fate' slogan was pretty cool, until I realised that 'Skate is Fate' rhymes just as well.

Admittedly, it took me all of 5 minutes to fall in love with Jack. I mean, he's so heroic in the first few episodes. He's handsome, charming, graduated from medical school a year early, and is the best spinal surgeon in the world. (*sigh*)
And at the start of Season 1, Sawyer is surly, uncooperative, and irritating.....and also hot, in a 'bad guy' kind of way.
So at first, I didn't even understand why the 'Skate/Jate Debate' existed. It seemed obvious that Kate should be with Jack. Why Sawyer? WHY? Yeah, he's hot, but he's no Jack.

Then I got to seasons 2 and 3, and suddenly it all became clear. Jack, although heroic, becomes a workaholic and is obsessed with protecting everyone and being the leader and not letting people get killed. Which are all worthy objectives, but they kinda make him a bit boring. Jack is too much of a good guy to be able to pull off the whole sexy, distant, 'brooding and mysterious' thing. Meanwhile, I started to realise that Sawyer is just misunderstood. And, let's be honest, Kate is a fugitive... Perhaps she is more suited to Sawyer. Then again, perhaps Jack could be the best thing that ever happens to her. Perhaps he could be the thing that changes her; her 'happily ever after'.

ARGH. You see?! That's why the love triangle is far more interesting than the Bermuda triangle (or whatever else could be the key to The Islands mystery).

And don't even get me started on what happened between Shannon and Sayid. I mean, how weird is that?! It took me until season 3 to realise that perhaps the Psycho Torturer Guy may, in fact, have some appeal. But I'm still kinda grossed out with myself for thinking that, even though most of my female friends, when pressed, said they also kinda get the appeal. To be fair, he's not so much of a Psycho Torturer anymore... he's quite sweet. (And also, Shannon and Boone were more messed up. I mean, c'mon, they're related! =/ )

Lately, my friends and I have been discussing how all the crash survivors (and The Others, in some cases) were linked together BC (before crash, obviously).

We drew a diagram. I thought you might like to see it. =)

I don't know if it'll go bigger if you click on it? In case you can't see, Jack and Sawyer seem to be linked to the most people.

Maybe that's coz they are hot, and hot people have more friends. Or maybe there's a deeper meaning..... Only time will tell!

Sorry I have been bad at blogging recently, but, well.... I've been watching Lost.


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