Monday, October 10, 2005 goes on.....

Today, Im writing in purple, because Im feeling very purple.

As I sat in french this morning, it suddenly struck me how funny life is.

I mean, think about it....
Life is a pretty wierd thing when you actually get to grips with what it involves.
If you didnt laugh, you'd cry. And Ive always believed that its better to laugh than to cry when you're sitting in a french lesson...
I told Emma, and she laughed too...

Its good to be able to find life funny.

But life's also really serious. How sad would it be if I was dying, and I suddenly thought, "Wait, what did I do with my life? What did I achieve? Who did I help, What did I change? Did I make the world a better place?"

Sobering stuff, isn't it...?!

You know what?! Maybe life's not so funny after all...
Maybe us laughing at life is our way of avoiding the seriousness of life.
If we refuse to acknowledge that life is serious, then we do not have to do something serious with our lives. Thats definitely taking the easy way out....

Then again, how serious can your life be when you're 15 years and 10 months old? I think my life is pretty meaningful at the moment. It hasnt always been meaningful, but Im definitely going through a meaningful phase at the moment.....
Maybe coz its autumn....?!
Not that autumn really has anything to do with anythng...

This post is a bit stupid. It doesnt have a point really. I started out with a point, but then I contradicted myself and changed my point half way through. And now I dont think I have a point...

Im gonna go and do something more meaningful....


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