Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I Hate Physics

When I signed up to do Physics, they said we didn't have to do Maths as well.

They said it was fine to do Physics on its own.

They said GCSE maths was good enough.

They said that I should have no problem with it, since I got an A in GCSE Maths.


Imo, they are just trying to make me a failure so they can laugh at me.

Coz so far, thats all anyone has done in Physics. Laughed at my maths ability.

I thought Physics was actually going to be science. It's not. It's basically just maths, but with a story built into the question.
Which actually makes it harder, because you have to pick the appropriate numbers out of a long and complicated story which is full of numbers that you don't even need, just to try and trick you.
In maths they just give you the numbers you need and tell you to get on with it.
No messing around with stories about rockets leaving earth and then doing lots of twirly things in space before almost landing on the moon, but then shooting off backwards and then having a crash landing back on earth.

I want to drop out. I hate it.

We started out with 4 girls in a class of 27 people in total. But then Natalia decided to drop out. So now theres only 3 girls left.
And all the boys keep complaining about the heat and opening the windows, even though its nearing sub zero temperatures outside. So it makes it even harder for me to concentrate, because I'm shivering too much to write in a straight line.

The teacher even said that he thinks 26 people is too many for a Physics class, so he's going to kick out all the thick people. (He didn't exactly say it in those words, but the way he said it was still insulting).
I have this really bad feeling that I'm gonna be one of the thick people that gets given the boot.

I think he has the wrong idea anyway. At HX, there were way too many people wanting to do biology, but instead of discriminating against stupid people, our teachers decided to make 2 different classes, with 2 different teachers. Because they actually care about us.
RC don't care about us. Surely if the Physics teacher was actually into Physics, he'd encourage as many people to do it as possible, and make 2 different classes for all of us, and be really nice to us...? That would be the sensible thing to do. But no, he just insults us, shouts at us, and threatens to throw us out of the class.

That is part of the reason why I hate the boys school.

The other reason is Chemistry. Just like with Physics, nobody told me that Chemistry was essentially just going to be Maths with a different name. I don't get Chemistry at all.
And part of the reason is because I can't understand the way the teacher talks. So I thought, 'It's OK, I can handle this...I'll just work out what he's talking about by reading what he writes of the board...'.
But do you think I can read his writing? No.
I don't think he even tries to write straight. His '+' and 'x' signs in his equations both look the same. And although I'm bad at maths, I know that getting the signs the wrong way round can make a big difference to the answer you get.
And when he writes chemical equations, they are just squiggles with squiggly indices. I tried sitting closer to the front, but that just makes the quiggles look bigger. They are squiggles no matter how close you get.

Also, he thinks I'm an idiot, because I was mature and responsible and decided to carry out an experiment as safely as possible, by moving the beurette lower down when I filled it, to minimise the risk of pouring acid over my head (which, incidentally, is the way they teach us to do it at HX). But he came over and said I was being stupid. He put the beurette back up, and then grabbed the HCl and poured it in at the top. The man is tiny. About the same height as me. He was waving a bottle of corrosive acid above his head, tipping it all over the place (without wearing eye protection, I might add), and he accused me of being stupid.

That school is full of sadistic, disciplinarian mysogynists. I don't want to go there anymore.


I'm going to fail everything. And everyone will point and laugh at me as I walk down the street, and say, 'Look, there goes the worthless failure', and my life will not be worth living.

On a more positive note, we extracted DNA from Kiwis today in Biology. It was fun. =)


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