Monday, September 04, 2006

I've had a Bagel Related Accident

It happened at lunch time.

I was cutting a bagel, to put in the toaster, and I slid the knife a little bit too far through the bagel without moving my hand, so the knife went into my finger, leaving me with a huge laceration that my heart might fall out of any minute now.

I burnt my other hand on the stupid thing when I was trying to get it out of the toaster.

Why is it that bagels get so much hotter than anything else which is toasted?

Apparently I'm not the only one who has suffered a Bagel Related Accident though. This article appeared in The Washington Post in 2005:

"Experiencing a Slice of Bagel Life: The Less Adept Find the
Cutting Edge of a Round Bun.
(Page A1, A18. Washington Post, Feb 25, 1995.)

Every weekend, they arrive at District and suburban emergency rooms with blood dripping from their injuries: upstanding citizens, often leaders in their fields, sometimes with their pajamas showing beneath their coats.
It happened one morning to Eric Berman, head of research for the Democratic National Committee. He tried to hide his wound, wrapping it in a red kitchen towel. But when his face turned ashen, his mother-in-law shoved him into a cab and took him to George Washington University Medical Center.
"When I pulled off the towel, the doctor said, 'Oh, a bagel injury.' He knew immediately, " Berman said of the cut he suffered while slicing his breakfast. How could the doctor conclude that about a patient he'd never seen before? "Oh, we get a bunch of these every Saturday morning," Berman said the doctor told him. Indeed, an informal survey of area hospitals revealed that bagel-related accidents are, in the words of Mark Smith, head of George Washington's Department of Emergency Medicine, "the great underreported injury of our times. I wish I had statistics, but I can say it's unbelievable how many there are."


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