The Final Countdown!
I realise that I have been distant lately. It's not you, it's me.
Life has been busy.
I have now officially finished school. This isn't like when I finished school after GCSE. This is final. This is forever. It is the end of an era.
I've been on study leave for about 3 weeks now. I could tell you about how my Mum went to Canada for 2 weeks, and that by the time she got back we were all desperate because the only food left in the house was useless 'ingredients' - no ready meals; and 2 mouldy apples.
Or I could tell you about how I went camping with a bunch of crazy people, and how we blew up a garden gnome using dynamite that someone had procured through a link with a medieval reinactment society, and unintentionally set fire to 3 bunnies who had decided to live in our bonfire during the days after it was built, and before it was lit. That was actually very, very sad, and it haunts me to this day. A whopping 7 days after it happened. ='(
I could even tell you about my experiences of voting in the London Mayoral Elections, and about how I voted for Sian Berry (Green) because although I thought we'd probably end up with a Tory, I couldn't bring myself to vote Conservative at 18. And I question the wisdom behind voting for a mayor who can't even control his own hair, let alone a massive, slightly dysfunctional city.
But I won't tell you any of those things, because my exams are coming thick and fast now, and, after all, this is study leave.
So I think I'll just tell you that the 'powers that be' ought to re-think the A level syllabusses (syllabi?! whatever...) because these 2 years are depressing enough, without adding extra depressing subject matter.
For example, at the moment I am revising Biology (genetic diseases, mutations, damage to the environment), English Lit (War literature with a focus on WW1) and French (moral and ethical issues - all of which seem to deal with death; abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, poverty, AIDS etc).
I'm supposed to be sitting here thinking, 'Oh, yes! Let me revise! I must get good A Level results so that the world can be my oyster, and I can continue (or possibly begin) to thrive in this beautiful society!'.
And actually I'm thinking, 'What's the point? A Levels won't stop me from getting a mutation which will cause a really awful disease, and even if I don't, there might be another war, and then we'll all be doomed, and even if we live through the war, we might get a new kind of government that kills everyone with the death penalty, or stops caring about us so that we start living in poverty, or infects us with AIDS in our sleep unless we have a particular eye colour...perhaps abortion should be compulsory to make sure we don't inflict the trials of life on anyone else, and maybe they should recommend euthanasia to everyone so we can just die and leave this sick, sick world.....etc....'.
OK, so maybe that's a little dramatic, but still..... cheerier A Level subject matter would be appreciated. Thanks.
All exams will be over by the end of June.
And then I won't be doing exams for aaaages, thanks to my Gap Year. =D
(That's a big deal when you've had loads of important, external, official exams every 6 months for the last 5 years).
So I'll be back by the summer.
If my DNA doesn't mutate, and there's no war.
I typed "I Quit Chemistry" and your blog came up. And it turns out you just finished your school "forever". Good job. I am about to quit chemistry after spending 5 years doing it in University. Hey, if it's not fun, we don't do it!!
- Kevin
5 years of nothing but Chemistry.
(Don't get me wrong... I'm sure you have a social life as well... but that just doesn't seem like much of a consolation to me.)
Still, the fact that Google recognises my small contribution to the internet makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. =)
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