You are my Sunshine... only sunshine. =)
I once got caught singing that out loud in a bus stop. Kind of awkward.
Would you like to be involved in a big art erm... thingy?
Make one of these!
(Or click here for the big version!)
I know some of you may be wondering why I have included 'Constellations', but I like that song, and technically, it mentions a sunset. And even more technically, stars are just far away suns. There may be other intelligent life forms out there who think their star is the sun. Who are we to argue with them? Especially since it's likely that they are more intelligent life forms than we are.
This kind of thing is perfect for people like me, who have a well developed artistic sensibility, but the artistic capability of a slug. (Yes, I do realise that slugs have no arms. That's my point.) So make your list, upload it, send me a link, and I will promise not to critique your music taste too harshly. I can hardly talk... yesterday I put my iPod on shuffle and ended up listening to The Bear Necessities from Jungle Book.
hi anna,
the project is now 'live' here -
more challenges will go up there over the next few weeks!
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