Renewed New Years Resolution
I know that my New Years Resolution was to stop having unrealistic goals, and concentrate on important things, rather than shallow things that won't count for anything in a few months (or years) time.
But I've decided to improve my health. Mainly my fitness, strangth, diet and sleep.
An before you all start having a go at me, I'm not aiming to lose weight. Coz I've decided that I'm happy with my weight, and I'm not going to obsess over it just because of the peer pressure of all the girls at school obsessing over their weights. Anyway, obsession over weight appears to be going out of fashion, as its mainly the chavs that are bothering with it now...
(and due to the current 'boob shrinking' crisis, I can't afford to lose any weight. Emma, Malikah and Dalia will know what I mean. So will anybody else who has been checking me out. i.e Janice, Zahra, possibly Sinead who appears to be into that sort of thing atm. Wow. Can a girl never go through a crisis in private?! Although you have all been v. supportive after you stopped laughing.)
Anyway, I've decided to do swimming. Swimming seemed like a good idea, coz it exercises many muscles, is aerobic respiration, improves fitness, strength, stamina, and possibly even coordination (Actually, to improve on something, you need to have a small amount of it to begin with).
So I went swimming today. By the time I got there, I didn't actually have that much time to swim, because unfortunately I'd gotten distracted by the internet and left home about an hour too late. So yeah, I actually ended up with 30mins in which to swim lengths. I decided I wasn't going to bother with front crawl, as it means you have to remember to breathe at the appropriate times, which is an unnecessary risk, as there are two other strokes to use that are much safer, coz you can breathe subconsciously.
I noticed that my old swimming instructor I had when I was about 8 was there. I also realised that I was a lot better at swimming back then, than I am now, and so I felt really self conscious about swimming in front of him. Which is stupid, coz theres no way he'd remember me. Still, while I was swimming, I kept on thinking I'd heard him shout, "Anna!!! Watch that cork-screw leg of yours!!! USE those arms! Don't just trail them in the water!". Weird how your mind plays tricks on you, isn't it?! It really freaked me out though.
I managed to swim 17 lengths in 30 mins. Considering my current state of fitness, that's not bad. But I remember a time when I swam 50 lengths. Although I spose that pool may have been slightly smaller. And it probably took a lot longer than 30mins.
I'm still deciding whether I'm gonna bother going back next week.
It would be really pathetic to give up my new resolution already.
I might end up giving it up for lent anyway, like last year. Which would be really disappointing. I hope I have better resolve and commitment than that.

I learnt some new words today. I read them in Bridget Jones' Diary (Which I am starting to read again. I shouldn't though. It always makes me really dramatic). I couldn't actually get hold of a dictionary at the time, so I had to phone Phelan and get her to look them up for me in her dictionary. Anyway, here are the words:
Megalomaniac: Insanity of self-exaltation, passion for grandiose things.
Misogynist: Someone who hates women.
Incidentally, both of these words were used to describe men that Bridget decided she would not go out with .
Do you think you can get female misogynists?! Hmmmm....
Me and Phelan decided to have a competition tomorrow to see how many times we can casually use the word 'megalomaniac' in context without people guessing what we are up to.
I'm probably going to be up all night now trying to think of circumstances that I'll be able to sneak the word into....
Arrrrgh. Bummer. Its 8 mins to 12 and I was supposed to be working on increasing my sleep.
K, I'm off to bed now. I'll let you know how the word competition goes.
OOOOOOHHHH! Btw, I've been made a moderator in the new 24/7 website! Wow! Such power!!! Though, Rob probably only made me a Mod coz he was desperate and nobody else would do it...?! I can't imagine I'd have been his first choice...for obvious reasons...
Anyway, I'm still learning about how to split threads, and move threads and edit & delete peoples posts. But I have the power to do it now!!! After all these years of using forums!!! I'd better be careful I don't become a megalomaniac. (See?! I used the word already!)
I really am gonna go to bed now.
you are seriously off your head nunn!!! i gets kinda creepy when you get checked out in an all girls school...i jus wanna add that swimming could result in major boob loss...though we decided that the wonderbra, plunge bra, gel bra, inflatable (think bend it like beckham) or even just padded will give the boost that maybe youve lost lol... being the healthy fitness pe student will offer my full support n evn design you a pep...personal exercise plan...for those who have no clue wat im on about...anyways...thought for you want to imporve aerobic respiration...try participating in football once in a'l work wonders!!!!!
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