I'm reading a book called 'endgame' by Chris Wooding at the moment. Its about the end of the world, and at the moment its a toss up between world war 3 (with nukes) or an ice age.
Shock Horror.
There are in fact several things that are shocking about that. The first one is that I'm reading a book. I haven't done it in a long time, and I thought I might've forgotten how, but its slowly coming back to me...
The second thing is that the book is about the end of the world. If you all cast your minds back to the time when I used to read books, they were normally about teenage girls with dysfunctional friends/family/lives in general. Basically, what you'd expect a girl my ge to read. I did read a few slightly more 'intellectual' books. One was called Crossfire and I cant remember who it was by, but it was about racism destroying a small town in the wasteland part of England where nothing much seems to happen. But I'm not talking about that book right now.
The final shocking thing isn't actually very shocking. Its just interesting. The book is quite scientific, which is one of the main things I like about it. Its also quite political. Which I also like. And it has emotions in it as well. There is a massive emotional conflict between one of the main characters and his ex girlfriend, and I'm still trying to figure out what actually happened (so far, he's supposed to have killed her mum, but I dont think he'd do that). Also, the guys new girlfriend's Dad is a soldier in Russia where the war is starting, so she's really freaked out that he could be dead. And another main character keeps being beaten up for no apparent reason, until he gets rescued by a skin head in some fascist sounding movement and I think they are trying to make him join their little club. And the other main character is really cool, except he listens to drum'n'bass which is very irritating.
Anyway. Nothing interesting has happened in my life for a while, and I thought that reading a book was major enough to write about for now....
I'll tell ya how it ends....
By the way, I haven't ignorantly been leaving the 'e' in 'endgame' in lower case. Thats how its written on the book, and I'm leaving it like that in case theres some deep significant meaning in the lacking capital letter.
Or maybe they just thought the word art would look nicer like that...?! It really does look like they went into word and used the word art thing you know... I'll see if I can find a picture next time I post...
Oh, also, I started gym in PE today and the fitness trainer is a guy with a pierced eyebrow. But I'm still trying to work out whether he's interesting enough to blog about. I'll tell you next week. Even though I've already kinda blogged about him coz of what I just typed...and still am typing...
K. I'm gonna shut up now. =D
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