Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I have almost finished packing for my trip to Switzerland. (I leave at 5am tomorrow...)

I'm so proud of my packing efforts, that I thought I'd share my success story.

Before I go into all my hints and tips, I think I should first tell you that I am not known for having a minimalist approach to packing. I like have every eventuality covered just in case... You can never be too prepared. But do you think people congratulate me on having duct tape and screw drivers and citronella candles and other vital stuff handy? Nope, they just slap flourescent 'heavy bag' stickers all over the place.

So yes, in the past, there have been times when all my essential items added up a bit more than they should have done (weight wise) and I have been known to ram a foot under the scales at Check In, to stop them going down any further.

I probably wasn't the only one who did this, and I think the air lines realised, because now they have a different kind of weighing scale and they no longer have bits you can ram your foot under...

So, after a lot of travelling experience, I've come to realise several things:

1) A suitcase seems bigger than an equivalent sized bag, so if you pack in a massive bag rather than a suitcase, people think you're bringing less stuff.

2) Make sure there are wheels on your bag... there are some situations that are really hard to pack things for - like a hernia. Or an aneurism. Wheels are good. Also, it's a lot more dignified to wheel a bag behind you as you stride confidently through the airport, than to pant and stagger under the weight of a bag you're attempting to carry over your shoulder.

3) In the (unlikely) event that you don't fill your bag to bursting point, the fabric will look loose around the stuff inside it, which also creates the illusion of not having much inside it. (Same principle as wearing baggy jeans over chunky thighs, as opposed to leggings).

4) Zip Lock bags were DESIGNED with travelling in mind. (Granted, probably more to do with travelling with food, and less to do with travelling with shampoo and suncream, but still....).
Anything that could possibly leak or explode or get lost or unravel or twist up or break..... put it in a zip lock bag. =)

5) Rolling clothes up instead of folding them can make a lot more space. I don't really know why, but I've decided to embrace it rather than question it. I learnt this from Julie on a trip around India when I couldn't fit all my clothes back in my bag and everyone else was waiting to check out of the hotel. Also, rolling clothes can sometimes make them come out less creased than folding them. (If you do it carefully). Rolled up clothes are also easier to wedge into place, and putting heavy things like bottles and shoes on the top will help to hold them down.

So... here's a picture of my work so far:

....and the great thing is, there's still loads more room in there for other stuff! =) (I know it looks quite full, but thats just the angle, I promise!)

It's an 80 litre bag (why are bags measured in litres?!) and I think it's only about 3/4 full.

This is the best packing I've done in my whole entire life. OK, I haven't been around all that long, but still.... I'm proud of this! It's a big deal for me! And just think how good I'll be by the time I'm 40!

Also, I've already checked the latest hand baggage rules online. You're still not allowed more than 100ml of any liquid. I'll be dehydrated! And anything liquid or squidgy (eg: toothpaste, lip balm, moisturiser etc.) has to be in a separate, clear, resealable (zip lock!) bag that is no larger than 1l, and you have to give it to them so they can check it through before you get on the plane.

At least I'm prepared.



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