Friday, October 28, 2005

Some days are good.....

"......and some days you get your soul pureed and served to you in a melancholy milkshake."

OK, so my week in Devon wasn't fantastic. Although I don't know what Im complaining about, coz the rain stopped long enough for us to go out and get blasted by sand and wind on the beach! Fun! =D

I did a lot of swimming in the pool though...
By the way, is there an actual law for an age limit on boys going into women's changing rooms at swimming pools?! Coz when I was getting changed there was a boy in there - he must've been about 12/13. At that age, he should be old enough to get changed on his own.
I mean, when you think about it, if he's old enough to dress himself, what does he need to go with his mum for?!?!?! Its not like anyone would abduct him from the guys changing room where his mum cant be there to protect him!
AND, he was shamelessly watching me... I stared right back at him, so he knew I had noticed, and he still didnt look away. Its a good thing Im not overly freaked out about people watching me strip.

You know what?! Maybe he wasnt even there with his mum! Maybe he was some kinda peverted kid who just liked hanging out in girls changing rooms, and his mum didnt even know he was there. He was fully clothed as well, so he wasnt even under the pretence of wanting to swim. Unless he was waiting for his mum to get out of the shower coz he was already done....or something like that.....

Hmmmmm.....I guess I'll never know. Ive even forgotten what the kid looks like. Fortunately, its not likely that I'll be asked to give a police statement! hehe.

Im feeling happier already. I get a huge amount of satisfaction from making a huge deal out of nothing. =D

We watched the whole of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended) while we were in Devon. Its not like there was anything else to was always raining! Still, 12 hours is a pretty long time! This is the 3rd time I've watched them all in a row, and I dont think they are that great! Why do I keep watching them?! I have too much free time during holidays...
I still get just as scared though! Gollum is one of the freakiest things I've ever seen! I had a dream that Gollum was eating me alive after I watched it for the first time... He is rather evil looking though.......

Actually, my mum came in while we were watching it (she doesnt understand it, so she doesnt watch it with us), and she saw the camera on Sam, and then it moved over to Gollum. She said, "Is that his baby?! It's really ugly!!!". It might not look that funny written down, but I nearly died from laughing so much!!! I spose Gollum does look a bit foetal...

The suspense is good at the end, when it looks like Frodo will keep the ring for himself. But I was thinking, its kinda obvious he was going to chuck the ring in the volcano really... It would be a rubbish ending -
"Frodo keeps the ring. He throws Sam into the lava, and Middle Earth is ruled by an evil Hobbit for the next 2000 years"

C' Evil Hobbit?! I dont think so....

Plus, I hate stories with sad endings... Good always has to win in the end! =D

Ive decided that the only bits worth watching are the parts that have Aragorn and Legolas in them (including all the battle scenes). Aragorn is surprisingly hot for a sweaty, stubbly old man.

Hmmm....thats worrying.
Hopefully I will change my mind soon.


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