Thursday, November 10, 2005

Im sick..... =(

And I've been at home all day....
But at least Ive had time to get a lot of work done. Actually, I think Ive got more work done than I would have done at school!
Thursdays are rubbish...I have double health and social care, physics, RE and PE. And for the next few weeks I'm doing netball. Netball is the biggest time waster ever invented.

Anyway, I woke up a whole hour late this morning! I've never done that on a school morning before.
I would have still been able to make it to school on time, so I got dressed and ran downstairs. My mum looked at me sympathetically even though I hadnt even told her I felt sick yet. I did look pretty awful though...
Even if I'd been feeling OK it would have been morally wrong to go out and make people have to look at me....

And if I'm gonna be sick, its best to be sick on a Thursday coz like I already said, I dont do anything worthwhile on a Thursday. I dont have to catch up on PE, we never do anything in Health and Social Care (apart from getting shouted at for never doing anything), recently Physics has got really boring coz we never get much done. So RE is the only thing I'll have to catch up on, and I can probably just photocopy someones book for that.

So Ive been doing maths coursework and physics revision all morning. And I did Biology revision last night.... I need a break.

Honey has been asleep a lot today. She sarted snoring a while ago, and at first I didnt know what it was. It was pretty scary.......
I love her so much. She's so cute. I was trying to find some food to give her earlier and I think the quite likes wheetos...
Heres a picture of her. She doesnt normally wear my sisters goggles though... (No animals were hurt in the making of this picture...)


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