Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What did the blond say when she looked inside a Cheerios box?

"Wow!!! Look!!! Donut seeds!!!"


I think its funny, anyway! I got it in an e-mail from Doe with loads of other blonde jokes. Why did she send it t me?! She's blonde! And I'm not! =P

Today in Chemistry, Mr Champion told me that he feels sorry for my future husband.
We were doing a practical to investigate the solubility of different salts in different liquids, and we had to clean the test tubes betweentests so we didnt contaminate them.
Although the DUMB BLONDE in the class contaminated the main bottle of Sodium Hydroxide in front of me and then denied it. Probably coz she doesnt understand what contamination is. Not all blondes are dumb, but this one makes up for all the intelligent ones... and she was with her evil side-kick who nobody can remember what her natural hair colour is, but it should also be blonde.
One of the reactions made this wierd jelly stuff, and we couldnt clean the test tube very well, so when Mr Champion came to put some acid in it, I said, "You can't do that! Its got scum in it!"
He said, "It's OK. It will still work..."
I said, "I know it will still work, but it wont be a fair test! When the liquid goes murky, how will we know if its old scum or new scum!"
He said, (rolling his eyes) "I know Anna. You're absolutely right as usual. I'll get you a clean test tube......but I pity the poor bloke who marrys you!"
I said, "Why?! Coz I'm always right?!?! =P"
He just smiled...

What is it with the science department and being rude?! And its anti-bullying week this week!!!
Ms McColgan told someone they looked like they'd been tangoed. That was actually very funny. Coz it was someone with very, very orange foundation. (Incidentally, it was the dumb blondes evil side kick with an unknown natural hair colour. Not mentioning any names....). She and Miss McColgan still arent really speaking... haha. Its really funny when she does the register. The girl refuses to answer and they teacher refuses to move on til she gets an answer.
And then the other time, Miss Brick called someone a pig.
At least I know Mr Champion didnt mean it.

Actually... I feel sorry for my future husband as well.
........I am always right! ;-)


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