Saturday, February 24, 2007

Miss me?


It's been ages, I know.

But I do have a lot of excuses, as always.
However, this time, for a change, I'm not going to list them all. Coz yeah, they are pretty shabby excuses, and they are the same ones I always use, so it's starting to get a bit boring.


Half term is now nearly over. =(
It's gone really fast, because I haven't really done very much.

I went to see Music and Lyrics though!!! That was soooooooo good! Nearly as good as The Holiday! (Not AS good, because I didn't cry in Music and Lyrics.... - crying from laughing doesn't count.)

Hugh Grant is excellent in romantic films!
He's even good when he's not playing the 'nice guy'. Like in Bridget Jones.

He looked so cute with Drew Barrymore. It's still slightly upsetting that he's 46, but I can overlook that! I have a good imagination!

Also, the song, 'Way Back Into Love' is really cute. I may have to get the soundtrack when it comes out!


If you haven't seen it, you HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!

Lots of Hugh Grant hip thrusts and 80s music. ;-)

Tonight I watched Beauty and the Beast which is my favourite Disney film EVER!!!!!!!

I don't know why....

I've seen it about a million times, and it's always been my favourite.

Maybe because when I was younger I could identify with her? Because she has brown hair (not like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty etc) and she likes reading. And her Dad is a slightly crazy inventor.

And I think I may have said this before, but I always kind of wish that the beast didn't become human at the end. because you get used to him, and you learn to love him despite his ugly appearance. If they had to turn him back into a prince, they could have made him look a bit more attractive.......

Anyway. Mustn't be shallow.

Speaking of which (being shallow....not a beast), I went to the Sandi Thom concert last week, and she was being supported by Sam Beeton, who I've never seen before, but is absolutely gorgeous. In a quiet bit, I shouted 'MARRY ME!!!!!!!' and he looked at me!!!! =) Not surprisingly.

But he made eye contact with me about 5 times.

And let me tell ya, he has the kind of eyes that can make you go weak at the knees. =)


Well, I must go now, because my brother sounds like he's about to resort to physical violence.

Which is entirely unnecessary if you ask me.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

There's no way...

...that Hugh Grant is 46!!!!!

But he was born on September 9, 1960.
So, he must be 46.

Not good.

Though, this probably wouldn't be the first time that Wikipedia has been wrong....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sisterhood of the Travelling Bracelet


Remember aaaaaages ago, I told you that we (me, Phelan, Emu, Tanz and Lobs) were going to form a 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Bracelet', inspired by the film (and books) 'The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants'.

In case you don't remember, or haven't seen the film, its about 5 friends who find a magic pair of jeans and share them over a summer, posting them to each other, with a letter about what happened to them while they were wearing the jeans. We don't have a magic pair of jeans that fit all of us perfectly, so we used a bracelet instead. And we sent a diary with it to write what happened during our week of having the bracelet.

We finally met up today to read through it.

I know. It is February. And this happened last summer. But we are busy people. And Tanya decided to ditch us all for another 6th Form, so meeting up has been a bit tricky...

But anyway, I'm going to type up everything written in the diary, in case anything happens to it.
And I'm going to copy it all, complete with spelling mistakes and embarrassing confessions. Some words are a bit hard to read, so I might just have to guess them...

I was the first person to have the book:

Hi everyone! I did warn you all that giving me the first week would result in a very boring start to our book, because to be honest, there's only so much that can happen to you while in your home town! But anyway, I'll do my best to make this week's events sound as exciting as possible!

I picked up this postcard in London. I thought it was topical because of the world cup and everything...
Also, I haven't been on holiday yet, so I don't have any 'proper' postcards...
Check out the inspirational message on the back!
(the message reads 'Who says girls can't play football?' - Eni Aluko, striker, Charlton Athletic & England). (I have written 'EXACTLY!!!' underneath, and underlined it 3 times.)

I told you all that David, his mum, his sister, his sister's boyfriend and some kid (not related to them) were coming to stay with us for a few days. Well... that was eventful!

After they left, my family agreed that they are probably the weirdest visitors we've ever had - and trust me, that's saying something!

Anyway, on the Friday, school still hand't broken up, so it was my job to single handedly take them around Londond. I thought it was very brave of me, especially since i dropped geog in yr 9, but they seemed vaguely surprised that I haven't ever taken the time to memorise a map of the underground. They also thought it was a bit odd that I didn't know the streets of London like the back of my hand.

I took them to see the Houses of Parliament, Big ben, and the London Eye.

Then they decided to go to London Dungeon. I'd never been there before, so I thought it would be a good idea - it would get us out of the sun, and hopefully take a long time so I wouldn't have to think of anything else to do...

The dungeons were TERRIFYING!
They have actors down there that suddenly jump out at you from dark corners and scream scary things at you (eg: 'You're about to journey into hell!' Well...thats not much incentive to enter the dark alley way, is it?)
I was hoping that David would reassure me, since on top of the actors, cramped spaces and smell, I was also afraid of the dark, but he was just as scared as I was, and kept holding my hand and screaming...wimp!

By the time we got out, we were all starving hungry, so we ended up squatting in London Bridge bus station, eating Burger King chips with the 'peanut butter and banana' soggy sandwiches that the American guy had kindly made for us that morning, and then carried around in his sweaty back pack.

We then went to Buckingham Palace to watch the guards changing. One of the soldiers tripped, and was laughed at by the hundreds of tourists who were watching.
By then we were all tired and fed up, so we decided to go home early.

On the underground, this (very attractive) guy walked up to me and said, 'I overheard you talking, and I'm going there too!'
So he got the train back with us. He was in his second year at university, doing a really boring and intelligent sounding course. He was also a surfer (YAY!!!).
He turned out to be a really nice guy, and when we got off the train, he asked for my number. I didn't really want to give it to him, and he could tell I wasn't sure, so he said, 'I'm not gonna force you...It's OK if you don't like me!'.
But then I felt really rude so I gave him my number. I was gonna give a fake one, but he tested it - so it's a good thing I didn't!
On the way home, we stopped at a Korean Supermarket, and they all bought cans of drink. The only English word on them was 'SWEAT'. They assured me that the translation meant 'sweat replacement' but I still refused to drink any.

On the way home from the shop, Dave kept telling me to block the train guy's number. I would if I knew how!
I mean, I'm not gonna lie, the guy was hot, but I'm not going to meet up with a 21 yr old! So I'm ignoring his txts. I'm also debating whether to get a guy to phone him up and shout 'WHY ARE YOU TXTING MY DAUGHTER, YOU KIDDIE FIDDLER?!?!?!?!' but I think that may be an excessive amount of force, which is against the Just War Theory. I know that this isn't a war, but it still feels a bit morally wrong.

I also got my hair cut by an emo Korean hairdresser who made me look very emo and very Korean. I was very shocked and very upset. Never trust a hairdresser who doesn't understand English, and who has 'Rock Your Body' (Justing Timberlake) as the ringtone on his land line phone!!! He was wearing a very tight shirt with a wide yellow tie, which means he was probably gay on top of everything else.

However, when I got home, Phelan had dropped off this book and the bracelet, so I put on the bracelet, and then took it off again to have a shower, and after I got out of the shower I looked quite normal. Probably because the gay emo Korean guy had straightened it until it was extremely straight.
It's very short though. But now that I'm used to it, I quite like it. So maybe gay Korean emos who can't speak English aren't so bad after all...?!

We went to brighton yesterday. It was full of topless guys with nipple piercings - some of whom started flirting with me, which was GREAT! Not that I was interested or just made the day more interesting, thats all!

So anyway, I think this bracelet is a HUNK MAGNET! So use it wisely!

We went to an Art Gallery. I'm not that into art, but they had a really cool chair in the shape of lips! See the pic --->

Anyway, if I'm gonna get this to Phelan in time I need to shup up now!

I hope you're all having a really great time!

I'm going on summer camp tomorrow, and then to soul survivor the week after! Look forward to seeing you all soon!

Lots of love and hugs!
Anna xoxox

Heya Guys! Well first off I just want to really sorry (hang on I don't think that made sense!)Anyway, I'm really really sorry, but I appear to have made the bracelet really slimey and possibly s;ightly blue because I kinda accidently sprayed sun cream on it! On the upside, a little extra protection never goes amiss! And secondly, Anna I told you so! Did I not tell you how you would be able to make your 'entry' interesting! Hell, your time at home sounds more interesting than my holiday has been so far! Anyway, onto more interesting things than this self righteous claim to being right all the time!

Well this is only really my first day because we flew out yesterday and didn't get here until half 9! So like I said this holiday has been fairly non descript thus far!. I have spent the entire day, minus an hour and a half when we were being bored to death by the reps in the intro meeting. 'snore'! Lazing on the grass by the pool with either a ridiculously garish portugal hat or a large towel on my head!
I have however made several discoveries! If i want a sunbed I have to get up at 6am to claim it, the electricity will only switch on if I don't go near the front door, and only jardits [or possibly 'jordies'?! I can't read it..] become Thomas Cooke reps!

The more interesting aspects of my holiday are that this mornign we upgraded to all inclusive, so that now all drinks, snacks, meals, ice cream, the hiring of sun mats & brollies [when she was reading this out loud, she said, 'I can't believe I used the word 'brollies!'] is free! I am certainly taking advantage of this with copious amounts of their delicious toffee and caramel ice cream with 'real choc' chocolate sauce!

Unfortunately I haven't been in the pool yet. it was full of seemingly unwashed stupid people - you know how intolerant I am of them!
(my god, I sound like a snob, help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Anyway, erm, what else, oooh!
I have managed to snaffle the BEST bed in out appartmenty thing! It's like the sofa version of a bunk bed! basically the sofa is a bed as it is, and then you roll out the underneath and hey presto theres another bed. You are actually meant to fold the legs out so that it becomes a double bed, but I leave it on the floor so that it is more like a kind of side way bunk bed.
*[she has drawn a very crude diagram of the sideways bunk bed, with arrows labelling her and Livie. In the diagram, she is snoring and Livie isn't. I don't know whether that is significant.]*

This is a towel I saw by the pool and the owner is the only other non-chav in this place! She also has a Roxy suitcase and O'Neill bikini thingy.
*[Another crude diagram of the towel. A rectangle with the words 'This is my box of special things' indside it, and lots of kisses and pictures of lips.]*
Before you ask Em, she wasn't waering it, it was on her towel, so no, I was not staring at a girl in her bikini.
Although she does have the hair that I want.
*[Yet another crude diagram of the hair, with an explanation next to it:]*
long with a fringe in case you weren't sure.

Oh, another thing I might well will or have as the case will be soon! is that my extended family, as in my aunts + uncles and the like, seems to be able to find me anywhere! For example, it just so happens, coincidence I think not! that my aunty cher (cheryl) the one that likes Charmed and does line as opposed to square dancing (not amused) is in portugal at the same time!In fact, we are going to meet her tonight! I shall let you know how that goes tomorrow, before I send this to Tanya. Also, look what I found in our room. It was on the floor beside the desk, so may have fallen out of something.
*[It is a piece of paper that says:
3 January 2006
We are going back to school tomorrow. Today I got most of my school stuff ready, in the morning. In the afternoon mum went to tge dentist to have her cap back on. When she got home we went to see fletcher clare and nan. Oscar an Olivia weren't there, because they were at school. Me and Mac weren't at school because we had a teracher's training day.

On the other side, it says:
4 January 2006
It was my first day back at school today. Because we have got to finish our topic ready for the Brazilian Rain Forests our next one, we had a whole day of topic apart from maths. The day was pretty good apart from I didn't like the maths lesson. It was a bit boreing.

OK. So Phelan found a page of someone's diary. I don't think the kid will miss the page, because I doubt her diary will ever be published. I mean, no offence, but surely she can come up with something more interesting than her mum's dentist appointment? (Though I guess you could argue that my blog is just as boring).

I'll give her one thing though, hher writing is a whole lot easier to read than Phelan's. And her grammar is better too.]*

Oh, and we also found a cool Irish Pub! I found out this
*[Followed by an extremely crude diagram of the bottom (?) if Ireland, indicating the positions of Cork, Waterford and Kifleenney(? I think. I can't read it)]*
So cute, they must only be little! Or at least littler than us! [presumably referring to the 'map' of Ireland]

Well last night with my aunt wasn't so bad I guess, but you guys know what I'm like about family!
Anyway, other than that there isnt rwally much else I can say except that on Monday (the 7th I think? well around then anyway) I am going to a water park.
I have the choice of going around on my lonesome all day, what fun, or going around with Olivia.

Oh, speaking of Olivia, she got her hair braided.
*[A very unflattering diagram of Olivia before, with something exploding out of her head. I think it's meant to be her hair. In Olivia's defence, I think she has really cute curly hair. The second diagram is of Olivia with braids in her hair.]*

I have included a postcard so you can see the beach, but I haven't! (we are not going to the beach now that we are all inclusive!)

Oh! I wish you guys were here, I hate being left on my own! And the meat was delicious Em, sorry I didn't txt back, I didn't finish eating til gone 11 (it was all you can eat meat fest!)

Well, better sign off or it will never get to Tanya.

Hope you guys have a great holiday!


Tanya, can you please stick the post cards on- 1 on each outside edge - with sellotape! I couldn't get any! Apparently they don't think tourists need sellotape!!! If you can't don't worry about it though!
Hope you have a good time

*[There is a wicked post card which I have to add here! I might try and scan it later!
It's called 'The Cock of Barcelos'. It says, 'The legend of the Barcelos cock originated in the middle ages in Barcelos, then just a small town in the North of Portugal. A pilgrim was on his way to Santiago de Compostela, still today a city of pilgrimage in spain. On his journey he was accused of theft, tried and found guilty. He still protested that he was innocent, and begged to be allowed to plead his case again personally at the Judge's house. Praying to Saint Jacob for help, he claimed that a grilled cock on the judge's table would crow to prove his innocence.
As is the way with mediaeval legends the cock duly came to life, crowed and the fortunate man was released. The Barcelos Cock has become a symbol of faith, justics and above all, extraorsinary good luck and timing.'
On the back of the postcard she has written 'HEHE, IT'S BARCELOS' COCK!!!' knew there would be innuendo somewhere, didn't you....

She has also put a postcard of her hotel and circled her window on it.]*

I caught my mum reading it so sorry Anna!

Wow. I actually found a pen that works, although you can't see it that well...hang on a mo...
Is this one better? Nope, goes through the page too much.
Damn it, no pens work in this house!
Oh well, I'll just use this one!

OK, enough about the pens Tanya, you dumb dumb! LOL.

How are you guys! I've missed you!
As you know, every time we come to Portugal we always stay in our house, which is nice, but I would prefer to stay in a hotel once in a while.
*[She has put in a post card of a castle thing, and on the back, she's written 'This is my house in portugal in Cascais! (I am only kidding...wishful thinking hehe!)]*
We got here last Wednesday on the 2nd I think it was. The flight was OK, but I think that our pilot was a bit drunk, coz as we were landing, the plane tilted and it looked like the right wing was gonna hit the floor! Ahhh.
This didn't help my phobia of flying!
I think I'm the only one in my family who doesn't like planes, and theres my grandma!
Anyway, we didn't land on the tarmac very gently either, and we were very close to the city
as we were landing, it looked like we were gonna crash into it!

We got to the airport, and everything was fine, except we had to wait over an hour for the rented car because there was a huge queue! (I dunno if I spelt that right).
We've been going to the beach a lot too, and I have a nice tan, finally! hehe. My dad keepswaking everyone up at like 8:00 so that we et to the beach early. We have to leave at about midday coz it gets way too hot!

Shoot! Theres a fly in my kitchen! looks like I'm going back on the fly diet!
(Emma knows what I mean, I'm not some kind of freak! LOL!)

We go back to the beach at about 4 until 7 as well, so I've got a nice tan, although I did get freaking sunburnt again on my legs!

There are loads of cute topless guys there as well, which is good! hehe!

On the subject of beaches, we went to a different beach yesterday than we normally do but it's still close to where we live. I found a freaking Jelly FISH in the water. So I didn't go in. A while later my dad found another Jelly fish, and then another one. He kept taking them out of the water in a plastic bag. I def. refused to go in the water after that! Then my brother found one in the water too! All in all we found 4 jelly fish in half an hour. I'm never going back to that beach again.
It's very close to the one I told you guys about last time I went to portugal and we went on one of those boats with slides abd we were surrounded with jellyfish! My dad really doesn't care if there are jellyfish or not, but I do. I'm not sure if they were alive at that beach that we went to, but dead or alive they are still flipping JELLYFISH!!!

There were also women that wore those thongy bikini bottoms which is horrible, not that i was looking or anything! LOL...
Anywayz... What else has happened... Oh, we saw Miami Vice here 2 days ago. It was OK, it wasn't as good as I was expecting. Seriously, this is for Emma and Lobs - don't watch it! It's only a 12, but you see peoples brains being splattered on the walls, and there are some seriously wrong scenes! hehe. [in Tanya speak, that means sex.]

We're going to the Algarve on the 15th for 5 nights. it's gonna be really fun! I would have more to say if i had this book during those 5 days, but I'll tell you what we might do. I think theres a seaworld there, and we're probably going. You can also swin with the dolphins but theres a huge waiting list so I don't think we'll do that! We cal also drive up to the other end of the Algarve and then get a boat to spain coz they're close by! Theres loads of shops there - tax free apparently! Yey!

I am not going to the water in the beach there because there are even more jelly fish there and spiky fish like things that hide under the sand and hurt like hell!
*[She has drawn a spiky fish roaring....and a jellyfish....]*
I am actually terrified of jellyfish and spiky aquatic animals in the sea!

The other day we had dinner in a restaurant, and there was a really cute guy looking at least I think he was looking at me! I hope to, but I think he looked a bit gay! LOL.
Anywayz, on that same night we were going home but we wanted to go by the Casino Estoril, which is obviously a casion, anyways, we were going in to have a look, and I was wearing a halterneck dress, and we were going in to the casino part with slot machines and those cool games (coz theres another part with dinner and show) and one of the people who work there came up and said that the child (my brother) couldn't go in. He didn't say anything to me coz I think he thought I was 18 or over, becaue over 18s can go in, that was good!
We had to go home though, coz we weren't appropriately dressed, although I think I could have gone in with that dress...LOL.

I had some really strange dreams the last 2 nights. The first one was Phelan getting married (I have no idea why I dreamt this), another one is too long to explain, but the last one was godzilla loose in portugal! I am such a weirdo!
We're having our neighbours over for dinner again! It's quite annoying, but hay, life goes on! hehe.

I kinda have some bad news. Please don't hate me you guys! You know the bracelet that we're sending, it kinda broke because the band on the bracelet was really thin. I didn't even notice it was broken until I saw the beads on the floor. I'm really really, really, really, really soweeeeee! Please don't hate me! I collected all the beads back and put them in an envelope and I'm still sending it to you! Emma I think you should put the envelope in your padlocked bra for safe keeping.
I bought a new bracelet and tried to make it as similar as possible so we're wearing her sister bracelet! I'll send that too! You guys, I'm soooooo soweeeeee. Please forgive me!

OK, I really need to send this to Emma now, or it won't get there in time!

I miss you guys loads! Hope youre all having a great time!

I'll see you guys soon!
Lots of hugs!


If you look closely at Phelan's postcard of her Hotel I think you can see her! hehe! xxx

*[A postcard of a donkey. On the back it says 'My uncle says hello to all my friends! xxx'. I'm assuming her uncle doesn't look like a donkey, but you never know....]*

OK have found a pen that works! hehehe!
well basically today is the 4th september (2006) and there was a small issue with the postage which means that the book didn't arrive until I had left the place I was staying in on hol and a very nice person forwarded it to me! THANK YOU! whoever you are! =)
So I am going to use the book and bracelet over the next 5 days and pass it on to Lob!
OK so this is my first day....the bracelet is on.....wish me luck!

Oh my god! I just saw the 11:30 news on 5 and the crocodile hunder diaries' guy Steve has been killed by a stingray! I loved him he was so funny! Am going to cry...sniff sniff. ='(

*[she has stuck in a newspaper cutting from the Daily Telegraph of Steve Irwin's death]*

Have finished reading a Jackie Collins book. Was thrilling! hehehe! Have just gone to library was v. fun. So far the day has been good...maybe bracelet does work! hehehe!

Well, it is almost the end of my first day! I cannot believe it's 6th Form tomorrow! Am v. scared! Oh well, have been on phone to Lob for 2 hours! =0 hehe! But I must now say GOODNIGHT

*[she has drawn a stingray with big fangs, and an arrow saying 'evil in it's purest form!')

Arrrrrrgh. I will finish this later. My eyeballs are going crazy from staring at the screen so long. And my arms are going stiff. See how I sacrifice personal comfort for my friends?!