I went to the match against Walton & Hersham (RLPD) with M today. I know...I must be mad. It was about -100000C. I still can't properly feel my toes...
AFC won though. =D 2-1
And guess who we saw.....?!?!? You'll never guess. (Unless M already phoned you about it...).
PAUL SMITH. Yes, the ex-football coach who is currently in Bournemouth University. He was home for Christmas, and so he was also at the Boxing Day game.
M nearly had an asthma attack when she saw him... and she didnt have her inhaler so I was a bit worried.
We also saw Wes - he was playing, and Niall who didnt seem to be doing anything worthwhile. He started out in his football kit, which was a bit odd since he wasn't playing, and then we saw him again 20mins later in a suit! He was wearing a black shirt, with a massive white tie.
I always think its wierd that the only people who turn up to watch a football match in a suit are the players who aren't in the match. If you ever see someone dressed smartly at a game, you can be sure that he's either a player, or an accountant with no life.
After we saw Paul was there, M spent the rest of the game not looking at the pitch, but at the stand, trying to see where Paul was sitting. At the same time she was going through all these different plans (yes...more of her 'plans'...) of how we could casually start a conversation with him.
At the end of the match, she dragged me into the bar coz we knew he'd be in there as he's such an alkie... We found him, and then spent ages standing behind this group of beer drinking lads while she totally flipped, going on about how cute he was, and how he'd cut his hair, and how she remembered his cool trainers, and whether we should walk past him and see if he reacted or go up and actually start a conversation, and she kept on asking if her hat looked stupid.
He was sitting with some mates drinking beer (Stella. According to M, its his favourite. She once forced me to share a pint of Stella in his honour on his birthday). I thought he might not want us walking up to him, especially since he was with his mates, but he was really nice about it. He remembered both of us, and he chatted for a while. We told him about the Gay (Gaelic) Football competition we had to do where we lost every game we played. I was on the team and I still dont know all the rules...Anyway, I only went to 2 training sessions, and I spent most of the 1st one laughing about how stupid the game is.
He also told us about how he's getting on at Uni. He was really friendly, and I didn't think he would be that nice to us. When we finally left, M kept saying "See?! I told you he'd be nice! I told you he'd remember us!" she was right this time. But all those hours of therapy I've given her in Maths have been wasted. He's come back after 7 months, and she's fallen right back in love with him. She will be going on about this for months...
We decided Richard Butler is hotter than we thought...he plays forward.
He's a really good player as well.
Also, the other teams Goalie is quite cute. He's called Ricky Perks. But I looked for a photo of him, and he doesn't look so cute in it... So I'll leave it up to your imaginations to guess what he looks like. DO NOT GOOGLE HIM!!!