Inner Poise?! Me?!
I got an invitation for 'Picture Personality Test' on Facebook, so I decided to give it a go.
Normally they make the results of these things quite obscure, so that it would really apply to anyone. I think this is the first time I have ever violently disagreed with the results to a personality test.
For 'Temperament', I got the following result:
Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.
You have GOT to be kidding me. I am one of the most dramatic people I know. And I have crises on a weekly basis (Sometimes daily, if I'm having a really bad week!).
My close friends have lost count of the number of times I've sobbed 'But I cant DOOOO this!' into their shoulder.
I can normally cope with things fine in the end, but I definitely make mountains out of molehills. A total Drama Queen.
Though my results seem to contradict each other, because look what I got for 'Amusement':
You are easily stressed out and overwhelmed - you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Because you tend to be self reflective, you know your limits quite well and must remember to not exceed those limits. When you overwhelm your life with obligations and responsibilities, you tend to shut down and go into yourself even further. Take some time to find your serenity and kick back your feet.
Easily stressed out and overwhelmed? Yep, that sounds more like me!
However, 'Interests' and 'Passion' are a lot closer to the truth:
You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us.
You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.
I once did a personality test called 'Which Dysfunctional Barbie are You?'.
My result was 'Lactating Barbie'.
That was years ago, and the result was so horrifying that it has stuck with me to this day. My friends also did the test, and they came up with different, but even more horrifying results. I guess it's the 'dysfunctional' part that does it. =/
You've gotta be careful with these tests!
In other news, I've had bird flu all week. It's been awful. And I've been very brave and gone in to school every day, because I really would not be able to catch up on all the work, and then I'd fail my A Levels and end up living on the streets and catching things that are even worse than bird flu. I thought I'd probably be dead by the weekend, but I perked up a lot today, so I think I may make a miraculous recovery.
If I never blog again, assume I didnt make the miraculous recovery.
(I just re-read that last paragraph. I guess it's confirmation that I really am a drama queen...)