Wednesday, November 30, 2005

R.I.P Squishi

Squishi has gone to fishy heaven!!!!

He passed away last weekend.

Emma was still in shock on Monday morning, and as she talked to me about his last few moment of life, I NEARLY CRIED!!! In the middle of French!!!

And then I read the poem she wrote about him, and I DID cry! =S

Small and orange
Eyes bright
Scales that glisten
and reflect morning light
Always hungry
Entertaining and funny
Very clever
Sweet as honey
Easy to talk to
Never bite
Always there
No sleep at night
Loved by all
We cried together
Your memory lives on
And it will, forever.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ben & Jerry. My 2 best friends.

I have come up with a new way of getting myself to do coursework.

I put a tub of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream next to the computer and say that I can only eat some when I've written a paragraph.

OK, they may not be amazing paragraphs, but if it's just a first draft its OK! And I get to eat a lot of ice cream! Especially since I dont write very long paragraphs...

If you see me looking fat, you'll know I've got a lot of work done! ;-)

Today was the first Sunday of Advent!!!! Nearly Christmas!!!!!
I went to Halfords to get my Dad the bike thing he wants for Christmas, and as soon as I walked intoo the Bike Shack part (or whatever they call it...) the 2 guys working there took one look at me and started laughing... I'll admit, I don't exactly have the *Biker Girl* look, (and thats hardly a bad thing!!!) but I KNOW HOW TO REMOVE A BACK TYRE OF A BIKE, FIND THE PUNCTURE, FIX IT, AND PUT IT BACK ON!!!! Without needing any form of male assistance.
So I thought, "OK. I'll show them."
I walked around all the stuff with a really intelligent expression on my face like I knew what everything was, and they didnt have what I was looking for. (I wasnt entirely sure what I was looking for, but I knew it wasnt any of the things I saw in there...). So I was walking back down the stairs, when I heard then start sniggering again.
I thought about going back up and telling them that I DID actually know what I was doing, and that it was coz their 'Bike Shack' wasn't specialised enough for what I was looking for that I was walking out empty handed.
Which would have given me a huge amount of satisfaction.
But I didnt do it. Coz they'd have probably asked what I was looking for and then I would've been screwed....!!!
By the way, did you know you can get male and female saddles for bikes? They are different shapes. I didnt know that before yesterday...

I couldnt be bothered to go to football on friday, so I went home. M nearly killed me for it....
But after football, I got a really excited phone call from her to say that WES had turned up at football to coach us. So she was reeeeeeally happy. And Niall hadn't gone. Niall annoys me. Sammy was also coaching.

Heres a pic of Wes. He's in the blue....
Yeah...I know...I dont get what she sees in him either! haha

But anyway, it meant that last night at Z's party, M was coming up with loadsa plans about how she's gonna make Wes fall madly in love with her. Or at least touch her...
She was trying out all her plans on me... The thing is, M is a pretty physical person, and alway touches people she talks to and stuff like that... Which is fine if you know her. But if she walked up to wes and started stroking his leg and touching his face etc. he'd probably freak out!!!
Its like a Bend It Like Beckham thing! hahaha

The coach is Bend it like Beckham is really hottttt....



And my song for the day is Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls =D

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What did the blond say when she looked inside a Cheerios box?

"Wow!!! Look!!! Donut seeds!!!"


I think its funny, anyway! I got it in an e-mail from Doe with loads of other blonde jokes. Why did she send it t me?! She's blonde! And I'm not! =P

Today in Chemistry, Mr Champion told me that he feels sorry for my future husband.
We were doing a practical to investigate the solubility of different salts in different liquids, and we had to clean the test tubes betweentests so we didnt contaminate them.
Although the DUMB BLONDE in the class contaminated the main bottle of Sodium Hydroxide in front of me and then denied it. Probably coz she doesnt understand what contamination is. Not all blondes are dumb, but this one makes up for all the intelligent ones... and she was with her evil side-kick who nobody can remember what her natural hair colour is, but it should also be blonde.
One of the reactions made this wierd jelly stuff, and we couldnt clean the test tube very well, so when Mr Champion came to put some acid in it, I said, "You can't do that! Its got scum in it!"
He said, "It's OK. It will still work..."
I said, "I know it will still work, but it wont be a fair test! When the liquid goes murky, how will we know if its old scum or new scum!"
He said, (rolling his eyes) "I know Anna. You're absolutely right as usual. I'll get you a clean test tube......but I pity the poor bloke who marrys you!"
I said, "Why?! Coz I'm always right?!?! =P"
He just smiled...

What is it with the science department and being rude?! And its anti-bullying week this week!!!
Ms McColgan told someone they looked like they'd been tangoed. That was actually very funny. Coz it was someone with very, very orange foundation. (Incidentally, it was the dumb blondes evil side kick with an unknown natural hair colour. Not mentioning any names....). She and Miss McColgan still arent really speaking... haha. Its really funny when she does the register. The girl refuses to answer and they teacher refuses to move on til she gets an answer.
And then the other time, Miss Brick called someone a pig.
At least I know Mr Champion didnt mean it.

Actually... I feel sorry for my future husband as well.
........I am always right! ;-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Uh oh. =S

Why am I wasting time blogging?

Today I have decided to quit AS Human Biology.

My head of year told me that should probably unless I really have to stop, but I said it was too hard.
He said that if its effecting my GCSEs I can stop. And he said he'll know if it's effecting my GCSE grades by what I get in my mocks in a few weeks. Apparently if I get any Bs I'll have to stop and focus more on the GCSE course rather than AS.

Why are teachers all like that?! A B isnt a bad gade. Its still above average at GCSE. I think.

Btw, a few posts back, I said I'd fixed the computer by going into dos and moving things around...
Well, I fixed the internet.
Now there are other programs that arent working coz the file is missing. (The same file that I moved.) And I cant remember where I put it.

I did a search for the file, and I found loads with the same name. I didnt know which one to move or how to tell the computer where it was or anything, so Im just gonna leave it and carry on oblivious. =D

My mum has finished all her christmas shopping for one side of the family already. I was wrapping them all up yesterday.
I havent even started my christmas shopping yet.
It could be difficult this year... My brother already has all the Star Wars things that have come out (as far as I know).
And my Dad said he doesnt want any socks this year, so I dunno what my brothers gonna do. He always gets Dad socks....
Last year I got him an educational toy from Fun Learning. It was those Geomags. And he plays with them all the time. Is that worrying?!
All scientists are a bit eccentric, but maybe I shouldnt get him more toys this year...I shouldnt encourage him.

I dont know what Im gonna get for my mum. Or my sister. Or my brother.
But I can get Honey some dog chews. =D

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Creative food idea...

I was kinda hungry, so I got a banana, covered it with peanut butter and put smarties on top.

It tastes very nice. =D

And Its got fruit in it, which means its healthy (if you forget about all the peanut butter and smarties).

I'd post a pic of it here, but it doesnt look very nice....


I just thought I'd share that with my friends and the internet community at large. = )

I am now going to finish eating it.

Weekend =)

And I've spent most of today trying to sleep.

I'm so tired that its painful now, but I have such a massive sleep debt that I don't know how Im gonna catch up on it again. Especially since I cant sleep when I want to, no matter how tired I am.

I can't believe it happened again. I mean, you'd have thought I'd learn from my mistakes, but it was only the start of this year when I starved myself of sleep, and it took a semi-breakdown for me to get over it. And I missed LOADS of school coz of it... which was not good.

I got a few hours sleep last night, but I was still really tired when I woke up....
I will try sleeping again during the day tomorrow. I was so tired this morning that I felt sick, so I went to bed at around 1:30pm, and stayed in bed till 4 coz I couldnt sleep and I was fed up of just lying there. That was with sleeping pills. Maybe I'm immune to them now?! When I first started taking them they made me feel sick, an they don't do that anymore, so does that mean they dont have any effect of me anymore?! The last time they worked for me, I had *accidently* taken 1 too many. But I was desperate for sleep, and they are natural anyway...nobodys ever died from eating flowers... I think. I'm gonna get a doctors appointment and get on my knees and beg for proper sleeping pills (i.e: stronger ones - not the stupid flower power stuff I have at the moment.), coz otherwise theres no way Im gonna get through the next 6 months. =S

Arrrrgh. The thing about not being able to sleep is that it makes me really pessimistic about everything.


I heard a really nice song today! =D
Actually, I've heard it loads before, but it's only just struck me as being a nice song.
It was Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World.
I thought of getting their CD, but the fact that 'THE EX' saw them live not so long ago kinda puts me off...


'Don't look back in anger' has just started playing on the radio.

'...and isn't it ironic?!' as Alanis Morissette would say....

Anyway. I should be revising.
I did about 2 hours of Physics revision yesterday with my Dad. My first thought when I woke up this morning was, "....v=f(lambda)....".
I kid you not.
I need to get a life.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Im sick..... =(

And I've been at home all day....
But at least Ive had time to get a lot of work done. Actually, I think Ive got more work done than I would have done at school!
Thursdays are rubbish...I have double health and social care, physics, RE and PE. And for the next few weeks I'm doing netball. Netball is the biggest time waster ever invented.

Anyway, I woke up a whole hour late this morning! I've never done that on a school morning before.
I would have still been able to make it to school on time, so I got dressed and ran downstairs. My mum looked at me sympathetically even though I hadnt even told her I felt sick yet. I did look pretty awful though...
Even if I'd been feeling OK it would have been morally wrong to go out and make people have to look at me....

And if I'm gonna be sick, its best to be sick on a Thursday coz like I already said, I dont do anything worthwhile on a Thursday. I dont have to catch up on PE, we never do anything in Health and Social Care (apart from getting shouted at for never doing anything), recently Physics has got really boring coz we never get much done. So RE is the only thing I'll have to catch up on, and I can probably just photocopy someones book for that.

So Ive been doing maths coursework and physics revision all morning. And I did Biology revision last night.... I need a break.

Honey has been asleep a lot today. She sarted snoring a while ago, and at first I didnt know what it was. It was pretty scary.......
I love her so much. She's so cute. I was trying to find some food to give her earlier and I think the quite likes wheetos...
Heres a picture of her. She doesnt normally wear my sisters goggles though... (No animals were hurt in the making of this picture...)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Long time no blog!

I havent written anything in a while....theres nothing interesting to say really!

Its now officially winter... its getting dark earlier (I nearly got run over three times yesterday when I was walking home from Rainbows at 5:30 coz it was so dark! Im gonna have to stop wearing black!).
The trees are looking even more naked, and people have started fighting to sit by the radiators in school - a sure sign that its getting cold! I get a heater to myself in Health and Social Care coz I moved to sit at the back on my own. Its a hut rather than a proper classroom which means the heaters get vandalised on a fairly regular basis, but I managed to re-attach it to the wall and get it to generate a bit of heat today. =D
Also - buses are starting to feel a bit cozy and welcoming after you've been standing in a draughty bus stop for a while!!! This means that conditions are becoming Alaskan. Or even Antarctic. Either that, or I'm a wimp....

Science modules are drawing nearer, as are the mock exams. Science modules are next Thursday, and I haven't started revising yet. This isn't exactly abnormal, but I made a pact with myself to revise for exams this year. I was planning to alter the pact to only cover Mocks, but then I thought I should revise for modules as well, coz that will help with the mocks.... And I've been getting As in the practice papers, so I should be able to push it up to A*s in the real modules. Which is good coz I think that's my average so far. (I get questions right more by luck than by judgement, but one day my luck will run out and it will hit me hard so I've decided i should prepare for the worst.)

And I dont go on pretending that I revise in the bath, coz people have started to guess that I spend more time playing with the bubbles than actually reading the revision guide.
I've also stopped that thing where you link revision with music, coz people get quite annoyed when I start singing Avril Lavinge songs during exams...
Im still using colour - but thats mostly because I enjoy colouring in... I'll see if it actually works tho.

Ive decided to start revising today. I needed index cards coz I lost all my other ones, and I have this psychological problem where I cant revise without index cards now... But mum really needed some eggs at the last mintue today, so I said I'd get them for her - and that meant I could get index cards as well.
Of course, the main reason I went is coz of the sacrificial love I have for my mother. I even ran for the bus. =0
I also bought some string. Kinda random, but you never know when you might need some.....String is a classic thing to buy. I think.

Anyway...... Im gonna revise.
Coz D said she'd egg me if I haven't started by tomorrow..........

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Im so clever!!!!!!

Of course, potentially, it was a very risky thing to do, as it involved going into MS DOS and moving files around... But the internet wasnt working, and a computer without internet is a waste of space, so it wouldn't have mattered it I broke it a bit.

Did you know that you dont have to shut down the computer properly if you're in DOS?! You just press the button!

I got my Maths Coursework back the other day. Sister Margaret didnt grade it. When she spoke to me, she seemed genuinely upset about it, which made it even worse. She said, "Sorry Anna, I couldn't make a head or a tail of it...". I did tell her that I hadnt finished it, so that made it a bit better, since it was just random shapes drawn all over different peices of paper. I put them in the right order and she's gonna mark them again. And I get to spend some quality time with Sister Margaret later to explain exactly what was going on inside my head when I wrote all that junk down... She looked pleasantly surprised when I asked to see her after school. I don't know why... I'd have thought it would be OBVIOUS that Im a very dedicated, disciplined and hard working student.

Star Wars 3 came out yesterday!!!!!! My brother got it, and he watched it 2 1/2 times, and I didnt see it AT ALL coz I was going through my latest Maths exam with my Dad.... how pathetic.

Im gonna watch it tonight tho. Its ages since I saw it in the cinema. Its the only Star Wars episode that I've cried in. Probably coz the rest of them aren't all that moving....

And when Padme says, "Anakin....You're breaking my heart....I dont know you've changed..." Wow. So much emotion in such a short phrase. *sniff*


Right, Im off to watch Star Wars! =D