Happy New Year!
I can't believe it's already the end of the year.
I can clearly remember writing the blog entry at the start of the year which is now ending. i.e this year. 2006.
Remember it?
It was the one with the top 40 songs, according to how I was feeling at that particular moment. (If you had asked me the same question 10 mins later, it probably would have been quite different).
Now do you remember it?
Here, allow me to refresh your memory.
I've been trying to think of something more interesting to do for this new year post.
I know that this blog has been looking a bit forsaken recently. Like the elephant grave yard in the Lion King. In fact, when checking back to see if I had written another profound, witty, informative (or otherwise) post, you may caught sight of some tumbleweed blowing across your screen.
I'm afraid don't have an excuse for this blogging hiatus.
Just like I haven't had excuses for any of my other blogging hiatuses. (Or is it hiati? Or hiatii? Isn't there a place called Haiti?!)
I could tell you that I've been busy, and it would be true, but I could have made time to blog. I mean, this blog has survived for a year and a half now, (depending on your definition of 'survival'), and life is always fairly busy, isn't it?
With it being Christmas recently, we have received a lot of Christmas cards, and many of them contained news letters boasting about how busy everyone has been, what with their recent promotion / the arrival of their new baby / their extensive travels / their impressive sounding degree course / their home improvement plans / their half finished autobiography / their extraterrestrial abduction etc.
Everyone is busy, but that doesn't stop them all from blogging.
I could also tell you that I have had more important things to do, which would also be true, because I have had more important things do do. I just haven't done them.
For example, I didn't write any Christmas cards this year.
Not a single one.
This is probably the first year I haven't sent out cards since I was 6 or 7. Before that, it wouldn't have been worthwhile to send them, because my writing wasn't clear enough for people to read who the cards were actually from.
The exchanging of Christmas Cards has become a social obligation, and to be honest, it actually felt quite good to eye the other people in the supermarket queues, buying piles of christmas cards, and knowing that I was rebelling against society in a fairly significant, but ultimately harmless way.
I suppose I could even try to excuse my lack of posts by telling you that I forgot I had a blog. However, this is not true either, because several people have told me that they have read my blog recently. Some said it helped them to understand me more (what's that supposed to mean?!) others said they found it quite funny (thats fine, I don't care. Go ahead. Laugh at my pathetic little life. If you get pleasure out of sick passtimes like that, it says more about your pathetic life than it does about mine. So there.).
Actually, why do you all read this?
Thats not a rhetorical question.
Why do you, yes, YOU, the person reading this now, keep coming back to 'that place between asleep and awake'?
And when you're here, why don't you leave comments?
Other people on Blogspot get comments.
I have had very few comments.
If you read my blog, leave a comment.
Don't come and find me in person!
This blog wouldn't exist for you to read if I told you everything in person rather than writing it here.
Erm.... argh.
See what's happened?
I'm out of practice at blog writing.
There are even more tangents now than there were before.
What I was trying to say is that there isn't really an excuse for my lack of blogging.
But I need a new years resolution, so maybe mine can be to blog more regularly.
My new years resolution was actually going to be to go swimming once a week like last year, if you think back to what happened, it wasn't very successful in the end. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that it totally failed.
I think regular blogging is a better resolution, because it's not very strenuous. As you all know, I don't really 'do' strenuous.
Anyway, as it is new year, I thought I would upgrade to the New Blogger! It's been asking me to upgrade for ages, but evidently, I must be quite a conservative blogger, because I was a bit concerned as to how the new Blogger would be different. I liked it the way it was. Also, I couldn't really be bothered to undergo another extensive registration process.
Today I finally took the plunge, and registered under the new Blogger. And, truth be told, I don't think it's all that different from the old Blogger. But I haven't had a chance to explore it yet. Apparently, you can do a lot of cool things with the new Blogger. Like privacy settings to pick and choose who can view your blog. But to be honest, I don't think I can afford to be picky with my limited (but lovely) audience.
Anyway. Why am I writing all this?
I'm meant to be wishing you all a happy new year.

I'm going to watch the fireworks in Westminster. =)
Let's hope it doesn't rain. And that I don't get stuck behind a tall person.