Friday, October 28, 2005

Wholesome (but not so holy) Matrimony

Me and Emma are going to marry Dick'n'Dom from The Bungalow on CBBC and play bogeys and burp and live happily ever after.

Failing that, I'll marry Stephen from the Basil Brush Show. Hes hot and funny. And we'd also spend our married life burping... and I wont have to live in a Bungalow. Living in a Bungalow drastically reduces the chances of you matress surfing. Which isnt a good thing. (You gotta love carpet burns....!)

Some days are good.....

"......and some days you get your soul pureed and served to you in a melancholy milkshake."

OK, so my week in Devon wasn't fantastic. Although I don't know what Im complaining about, coz the rain stopped long enough for us to go out and get blasted by sand and wind on the beach! Fun! =D

I did a lot of swimming in the pool though...
By the way, is there an actual law for an age limit on boys going into women's changing rooms at swimming pools?! Coz when I was getting changed there was a boy in there - he must've been about 12/13. At that age, he should be old enough to get changed on his own.
I mean, when you think about it, if he's old enough to dress himself, what does he need to go with his mum for?!?!?! Its not like anyone would abduct him from the guys changing room where his mum cant be there to protect him!
AND, he was shamelessly watching me... I stared right back at him, so he knew I had noticed, and he still didnt look away. Its a good thing Im not overly freaked out about people watching me strip.

You know what?! Maybe he wasnt even there with his mum! Maybe he was some kinda peverted kid who just liked hanging out in girls changing rooms, and his mum didnt even know he was there. He was fully clothed as well, so he wasnt even under the pretence of wanting to swim. Unless he was waiting for his mum to get out of the shower coz he was already done....or something like that.....

Hmmmmm.....I guess I'll never know. Ive even forgotten what the kid looks like. Fortunately, its not likely that I'll be asked to give a police statement! hehe.

Im feeling happier already. I get a huge amount of satisfaction from making a huge deal out of nothing. =D

We watched the whole of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended) while we were in Devon. Its not like there was anything else to was always raining! Still, 12 hours is a pretty long time! This is the 3rd time I've watched them all in a row, and I dont think they are that great! Why do I keep watching them?! I have too much free time during holidays...
I still get just as scared though! Gollum is one of the freakiest things I've ever seen! I had a dream that Gollum was eating me alive after I watched it for the first time... He is rather evil looking though.......

Actually, my mum came in while we were watching it (she doesnt understand it, so she doesnt watch it with us), and she saw the camera on Sam, and then it moved over to Gollum. She said, "Is that his baby?! It's really ugly!!!". It might not look that funny written down, but I nearly died from laughing so much!!! I spose Gollum does look a bit foetal...

The suspense is good at the end, when it looks like Frodo will keep the ring for himself. But I was thinking, its kinda obvious he was going to chuck the ring in the volcano really... It would be a rubbish ending -
"Frodo keeps the ring. He throws Sam into the lava, and Middle Earth is ruled by an evil Hobbit for the next 2000 years"

C' Evil Hobbit?! I dont think so....

Plus, I hate stories with sad endings... Good always has to win in the end! =D

Ive decided that the only bits worth watching are the parts that have Aragorn and Legolas in them (including all the battle scenes). Aragorn is surprisingly hot for a sweaty, stubbly old man.

Hmmm....thats worrying.
Hopefully I will change my mind soon.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Football Crazy....

I just had a 2 hour phone call with M.
Its becoming a weekly occurance actually...

She has to give me a blow by blow account of what went on at the AFC match, and then repeat everything that happened on Friday at football even though I was there, just so we can relive the magical moment.

She has had huge obsessive crushes on 2 out of our 3 football coaches.

I spose I should be glad really, coz I thought she'd never get over Paul (Smith)... But now that he's gone back to university to finish his course on sports science, and we have Wes (Daly) now.

She is still trying to figure out which one she likes most. Even though I know full well that she's totally crazy about Paul. (Or Pauli as she calls him. I think that makes him sound like a camp parrot...).

She's mad.... totally mad. But she said I can get her treatment for Christmas. Then she changed her mind and said she wants Paul. (See...?! Progression followed by immediate regression... I do my best for her though...)

She got her Paul Smith (designer, not AFC goalie this time) top, and her grandma kept asking if she could "Tidy up the hem" or "Level out the bottom" because "It looks as though a child made it".
M got really upset (understandably?) because, "Its a Paul Smith shirt!!! It's meant to look like that!!! Its called 'Child Play' or something like that..."
I dont think his clothes are all that amazing tbh... definitely not worth what he charges for them. And, as you can see, he looks a lot like Einstein!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Its Half Term!!!!!!

...and I have nothing to do!

Actually, I have A LOT to do. Teachers seem to think that we wont be able to cope with week of no work, so they pile it all on us on the last day of term to make sure we are busy all holiday.

I should probably start the work now, but tbh I really cant be bothered! I'll do it when we are in Devon as theres nothing much to do there anyway... and its probably gonna be raining.

I just played my brothers starwars gamecube game. It was very exciting. I got really into it, and he got annoyed by my incompetency (is that a word? of not, I should patent it).

I was Luke and my mission was to rescue Princess Leia (with a lot of instruction from my brother). I managed to find her after taking a few wrong turns ("Whats WRONG with you?!?! Theres an on screen map!"). Then I had get past lots of storm troopers while taking Leia back to the others(How can you be missing them?! Lukes gun automatically locks onto targets!). I risked my life for her several times. I got shot a few times ("Haha...look, you're dead on the floor and Leia runs off!"). Then I eventually died (Hmm....I thought this may happen...thats why I gave you the EASIEST mission!").

I have many skills. Playing gamecube games just isnt one of them.

School today was OK... I didnt really do much.

I had English first lesson. We had a cover teacher, and we had to do our anthology. It was a poem with a lot of swearing in it. Then we had to discuss body piercing for the rest of the lesson, coz thats what the poem was about. Not bad!!! I like these modern poets...

Next we had Maths. Because it was the last lesson before 1/2 term, we were allowed to do something "fun". Since we have a Sister Margaret as a teacher, who likes solving mathematical problems and also likes religion, she decided to roll them both into one lesson. We went through the codes in The Da Vinci Code and spotted the mistakes and inaccuracies. Then we looked for Fibonacci Sequence patterns in our bodies by measuring them. I found out that my legs are over 30cm longer than the rest of my body (including my head). I think Im the most out of proportion person in the class.

Then was French. Nothing intesting ever happens in french.

After that was PSE. But I didnt go, coz we decided to work on the yearbook instead. I havent turned up to a single PSE lesson yet this term. Its all legal bunking though, coz the yearbook is a lot of work, and I was forced onto the team! I didnt even wanna do it! So they can't complain about me using a doss lesson to do something worthwhile.
Today we just sat in Mr Byrne's office and ate all his food. I did go round taking photos though. After the food was all gone.

Then we had lunch. We was the second day of X Factor auditions to raise money for the yearbook, and I was judging all lunch time. Some of them are really bad, and its really hard not to laugh. We arent being really mean like the real X Factor judges. Most of the people auditioning are from yr 7 & 8, and Id feel really bad if I made them cry...

Last lesson was chemistry. I really like Mr C. We are still trying to figure out how old he is. We know he must be over 60, but we're hoping he wont retire for another few yrs coz hes great. Hes so funny as well. There were some boys hanging around outside our school, and we kept asking him to go outside and send them away, but he didnt... Then we got really distracted by them and kept staring out the window. He got a little bit annoyed, "I know theres some lads outside, but that doesnt mean you need to ignore me...", so J tried to make it up to him by saying, "I like your tie" at the end of the lesson (He was wearing a really wierd looking tie today...). He gave her a look, as if to say, "Are you crazy?!?!?!?!" and walked off.
Hes so sweet.... He makes Chemistry way more fun. Hes like our adopted grandad or something.....

Then it was football after school.... M was ecstatic, coz it was Wes who came to train with us again... Except he brought his younger brother. Not so hotttt.......

Nvm tho.... we got a lot of football done coz there were only 5 of us...

AND NOW ITS 1/2 TERM!!!!! =D

I want to go to Blockbusters and get out National Treasure tonight. I dont think the rest of my family hav seen it yet, but I thought it was really good so I may have to force them to watch it with me. I may also have to force Dad to drive me to Blockbustrs if it starts raining again. I dont wanna walk if its cold and wet. And its not worth getting the bus coz its so near.
On the other hand, I could probably do with the exercise... and the dog might need a walk...

Wow. This is a really long post. Im impressed! =D

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


As you can see, drop dead gorgeous would be an understatement.

He has what M calls "The Bless Factor".

And his album should be coming out soon.


What shall I talk about?!

Evan has taken over a major part of my brain right now, making it imporrible for me to type anything that would give me credit for having a brain....

I will come back later.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Why do they have grudges against innocent school girls who have been working hard all day, to get an education, so they can get a job, so that they can PAY FOR BUS DRIVERS PENSIONS?!?!?!?!?!

I was getting the bus with M today, and we were a little bit late leaving school, coz she forced me to go with her after the bell went to check which football coach came in for the yr7&8s because she has to know which one is coming in for us on friday.

We were walking up the road to the bus stop, and the 131 came past us. There was traffic, so it was going quite slowly, so I said, "M, we are gonna have to run..." but she said, "NO WAY!!! I do not run for public transport". We walked really fast to try and get there in time, but the bus driver closed the doors and drove off when we were only 2 metres away from the bus stop!!! That is SO rude. If we were in yr9, we would have screamed something like, "WHATS YOUR BEEF?!?!?!?!" at the bus driver... but since we are nice, polite, and educated members of yr11, we kicked the bus stop and sat down to wait for the next bus.

We waited 10 minutes for the next 131 to come, and it was quite ful so the driver refused to let anyone on - even though people got off which would have made more space! A 6yr old on the bus had the nerve to laugh at us!!! The next bus was the one that goes to Heathrow, but we could have got it anyway. However, the driver took one look at us and the crowd of rowdy yr7s that were now waiting with us, and didnt even stop. Which I am 99% sure is ILLEGAL!!!!!

After that, a 131 came, but it drove straight past, and stopped at the NEXT bus stop. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT?!?!? By this time me and M were rly fed up, coz it was pretty cold today, and we dont particularly enjoy being surrounded by 11yr olds and inhaling car fumes...

We told the other kids in the bus stop to try and look more angelic and smile nicely, and possibly wave at the next driver so he'd let us on. (It was OK for us to say this, coz they were all from our school...).
So, finally at 3:52 (after waiting since 3:20) a 131 finally came along. The girls were all waving so violently that I thought this one was gonna go past as well, but fortunately it stopped.
There was a mad rush for the oyster card thing as soon as the doors opened, but at least we got in!!!

Seriously though, why do bus drivers always try to make travelling as stressful as possible!?

I haven't used pictures in a while, so heres a bus like the many that refused to stop for us... Except this is a 25 not a 131. I have never been on the 25.

Looks like it must be right in central London coz theres lots of cabs. Must be a cool part of town tho, coz its got Virgin Megastores and McDonalds right next to eachother! =D

Monday, October 17, 2005

I hate Mondays....PASSIONATELY

...especially since we had part 1 of our maths exam today. Its the first time Ive done a higher tier paper. AND, its non-calculator. According to my maths teacher, the only reason I like calculator papers is because I have more confidence with a calculator. She said that if I start to trust my mind more, and stop counting on my fingers just to check Im adding right, I'd be fine.

Maybe she's right.

Plus, If I count up all the mins I waste in exams trying to lock the key pad on my calculator (I think I use my phone too much....its become a reflex any time I touch something with buttons. I have to lock the key pad before I put it down.) I'd probably be better off using my head.

I wish I'd bothered to learn my times tables...

Anyway, the revision I did on saturday was worth it in the end, coz it really helped. The thing is, I got really frustrated coz I remembered revising some things that came up in the test, but Id forgotten how to do them.

The first question was on simultaneous equations which I REMEMBERED!!! (For the first time since we learnt how to do them...2 yrs ago...). I noticed E doing a little victory dance after answering the first question, so Im assuming she remembered simultaneous equations as well.

I had a head ache after the exam though, and I still have it now.

In fact, I think I may be the first person in the UK to get bird flu. Maybe I caught it off a russian pigeon or something....?
On the other hand, maybe Im just coming down with regular flu. Or even just a cold.
Recently Ive been changing into my pyjamas as soon as I know Im not going out again. Which was as early as 4pm last week. On saturday it meant that I was only wearing normal clothes for 3 hours. Is this really a sign of a hormone imbalance?! Or am I just getting used to the fact that it is now winter?!?!?!

I have just realized that this post makes even less sense than the rest, and I have to go now anyway.
Im late for Rainbows!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The weekend is over...

...and I have a head ache.

It feels like my entire life is a bit of a head ache atm tbh....

Normally Im pretty positive, which is a good thing, but when Im negative, Im REALLY negative. And Im feeling kinda negative.

Im also feeling really annoyed with some people. And Im feeling really glad that I know some people coz they make my life worth so much more, and I feel happier just by being in the same room as them. However sad and cheesy that may sound.....

I think I must have PMS, but thats scientifically impossible at the moment..... Maybe I have started having a hormone imbalance.... If I do, I pity my family.

I pity anyone who has a hormone imbalance as well! Imagine having to live with constant PMS........ Craving random food all the time, crying at adverts for nappies and wholemeal bread, shouting at people you love, and wearing pyjamas all day. Not to mention feeling like you are clinically obese and butt ugly.

I think guys have it a lot easier than girls, but I wouldnt wanna be a guy...

Girls arent afraid to show emotion, and we can have lots of hugs all the time without being called emotionally needy. We can understand eachother most of the time, and when we can't , we know it doesnt matter, coz sometimes we just want to talk for ages to someone and not really actually say anything, and we'll feel better afterwards. And girls know its OK to do that, so we dont rly get annoyed with eachother for wasting time.

I'd go on, but I wanna go to bed coz my brain is screaming "I NEED SLEEP!!!!". But its screaming quietly, so only I can hear it. Except it sounds pretty loud insde my head, which is why I have a head ache.

Anyway. Night!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Half the weekend is over already!!!!

I did abt 2 hours of revision!!!
Dad helped me, so in theory, I understand it all now. We went the whole way through the revision list.... v. time consuming.

Then I decided to cook, since mum was out. I chose to make spaghetti bolognese, but I couldnt find it in the recipe book, so I thought I'd make it up. (I mean, how hard can it be, right?! .......WRONG!!!)

I started off cooking the meat (always a gd idea, I wouldnt want to give anyone salmonella...). While the meat was cooking, I cut up the onions. (Multi tasking...v. impressive!). I was about to cut up the mushrooms and peppers, but I remembered we had those handy bags of ready cut frozen vegetables that you can get from shops.

I put the onions in with the meat (which I had been stirring every now and then, while I excavated the freezer). Then I put the frozen vegetables in the microwave to defrost them. (You may think this was pointless, as I was going to cook them anyway, but there was a gd reason for it. I just cant remember it....).

Then I started looking in all the cupboards for that tomato sauce that comes in a jar. I couldnt find any.... I had a momentary panic, but then I thought I'd make my own. Home made stuff is always more healthy than ready made shop stuff... Unfortunately I didnt have a left over jar to read ingredients off the back, so I decided to improvise.

I got a tin of chopped tomatoes and put it in the liquidiser to make it even more chopped up, and then I added herbs (Im assuming thats what the green stuff in the jars is...). It was more liquid than the stuff that comes in the jar, so I wondered how I could make it more 'sauce-like'.

I thought back to my days of doing food technology at school, and remembered that you have to put flour or cornflour or something like that in when you make a sauce, so it goes thicker. I put some self raising flour in (we ran out of plain flour when we made pancakes at lunch!), but is still didnt look right, so I added some corn flour. It went really orange.

I called Dad, and told him it looked a bit odd. He asked what I put in, and said it sounded about right, so it probably wouldnt kill us. I started looking around the kitchen for something to make it go back to red. I didnt wanna use food colouring, coz I thought it might taste funny, and also - it would totally kill the natural/healthy/home-madeness of it all. I was considering adding ketchup (which is unhealthy, according to my H&SC teacher), but the I thought of adding tomato puree. (Coz its 100% tomato isnt it?!). Anyway, that made it a bit redder, so then I added it to the meat and vegetables. (Which amazingly hadnt got too burnt while I was looking for red ingredients...).

Then Mum came back, so I was gonna hand the whole mess over to her, but she and dad had to go out straight away. My brother and sister started complaining about wanting food, and I couldnt really be bothered to make spaghetti, so I thought of something else in the carbohydrate group that would be quicker. I shoved some bread in the toaster (Im a culinary GENIUS!) and then tipped the toast onto plates and poured the reddish-orange-meaty-vegetable stuff on top. Then I said they could watch a video in my room (which can be made VERY dark), turned off the lights, and handed them the plates.

The reddish-orange-meaty-vegetable stuff looked a bit more like bolognese sauce in the dark, and neither of them thought of asking why it was on toast and not spaghetti. They just asked me to make more toast, which I can handle.

I am SO domesticated.


Its finally Saturday......

I love Saturdays... coz I always have a million things you I have to do, and I rarely to ANY of them. Its very satisfying to procrastinate. In the short-term at least.

But the thing is, I know I have a 2 hour Maths exam on Monday. I have a revision list, and there are several things on it that I dont know how to do. So I should revise. But today, when I have the time to revise, Im gonna sit and do stupid things like write on a blog, and then on Monday Im gonna say, "Wow. That was dumb. I should have revised". Ive been doing it for years though, so why should I start revising now?! Ive decided to revise for my real GCSE exams though.

I also have coursework that I should be doing. RE, H&SC and French. Never mind though....they can wait.

Im getting really bored of Christmas music now. And its only October. Maybe I started a bit too soon?! It doesnt even feel like october today. Its really hot and sunny...

OK. I have to stop. Dads making me revise for Maths. I cant believe I will have done something useful today....

How disappointing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Im so tired.

But I cant be bothered to go to bed.

Its too early anyway....

If I go to bed now, I might actually be able to get up tomorrow morning.

Which would be a shock to the system.

So Im gonna sit here. All night.


1/2 way through the week...FINALLY!

This week is really dragging.....

Today was a very long day...I didnt leave school till 5:30 coz I was at an AS Human Biology lesson. Its really interesting stuff, but its really intense (1 lesson per week, 3:20 - 5:30pm) and since its meant for A Level rather than GCSE, I sometimes get a bit dazed by all the information.

I have invented a new way of remembering the key words!!! I put them into everyday sentences (not necessarily in context). Admittedly, it doesnt help me to remember the meanings, but it helps the words to stick in my head.
For example, yesterday I called my Dad a macrophage. So now I have remembered the word! (Ive also miraculously remembered the meaning - its a huge leucocyte!). OK, it maybe people have been put in mental institutes for less than calling someone a macrophage before, but this may help me.

People get called really wierd things sometimes. At the moment, a bunch of girls in my physics class keep calling people "A Ugandan Bush Rat" which apparently is the "Ultimate Cuss". My friend did a google image search for a ugandan bush rat, and apparently it doesnt exist. (theres lots of rats in Uganda, but not a 'Ugandan bush rat').
So there you go.... you learn something new every day!

Is it really true that you learn something new every day?! If you're still in school, then hopefully you do. But what about old retired people? I spose they could learn a new word while doing a crossword or watching countdown or something.....

When I was listening to the Xfm this morning, Chris Smith (I even know the news guy's sad....) said that in a recent survey about how many people know the offside rule, 59% of women said yes, and only 55% of men said yes.
Men are always victimising women about not knowing the proper rules of football (especially during the world cup), but apparently women know more!!!
I tried to see if this was true by conducting my own survey during maths, but theres only girls in my class. Out of the 19 people I asked, 7 said yes and 12 said no. (My physics teacher said yes!). I havent asked any boys yet...

Also, I heard the new song by The Darkness ('One way ticket to Hell'), and spotted a huge and very annoying mistake. In the chorus, Justin repeatedly sings 'One way ticket to hell and back...' but surely that would be a return ticket and not a one way ticket...?!
I was discussing this at school, and Sinead rightly said, "He should've got an oyster card!"
Very true!

Incidently, the picture on my oyster card doesnt really look like me, which makes it pretty pointless from an identification point of view. Phelan (otherwise known as Natalie) said that I look like Angelina Jolie in 'Girl Interrupted'. That is not a good thing. Firstly, coz I wouldnt wanna look like Angelina Jolie. And secondly, coz 'Girl Interrupted' is all about girls in a lunatic's assylum, and Angelina Jolie acts as someone who kills a lot of people... =(

I cried for 2 hours after watching Girl Interrupted, coz I thought I was a bit crazy as well since some of the girls in the hospital were a lot like me...!!!
Does that fact that I cried after watching a video about crazy people, coz I thought I was crazy too, make me crazy?! Hmm.....
It was a really sad (and slightly scary) video anyway, so maybe thats more the reason why I cried...?!
Or maybe I really am crazy?!?!?!?!

Actually, I cant be.... coz some of my friends cried after they saw it as well. And we cant ALL be crazy....
Unless thats the only reason why we are friends?!



Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Another day goes by...

Today I had double Biology. Smile
We did Monoclonal Antibodies. 'C'etait tres interessant'
Thats one of the only things I can say in french, so I use it to describe everything....
Anyway, as I was telling Sarah earlier today, it made me think of StarWars: Attack of the Clones.
I kept on imagining wars between good and evil with the B-lymphocytes cloning things and and the antigens invading....
By the time Dalia shook me out of my daydream (quite literally) we'd moved onto 'The Commercial Production of Penecillin' which was not so 'interessant'.

I also finally got more credit today, after living without my phone for almost 3 days.

I can finally reply to txts!!! Let's Celebrate

Im feeling very into smileys @ the moment...
Female Entertainer 9 This is presumably a very poor imitation of Avril Lavigne... She's BLONDE!!!!!! Rolling Eyes

Male Entertainer 4 hehehe.... this is quite good!
.....and this one! Male Entertainer 1

Male Entertainer 6 lol!!!!!

Anyway, what was I talking about before I got sidetracked by the smileys?!
Hmmm..... Oh yeah, my phone! Someone just txted me!!!! I have friends!!!! But I cant be bothered to go and get my phone.
It could be an emergency though... maybe one of Emma's sea monkeys died or something...?! Shock 2
OK. Now more smileys now. They are starting to annoy me....

I should go check my phone.........

'Message memory full'
Thats the thing about having people txt you... They fill up your inbox and then when theres a REAL emergency, people cant get through.

OK, the txt has finally arrived....
And Emma's sea monkeys are OK! It was just a mundane txt about "Hi, how was your day? Are u doin nething 4 1/2 term" meh.
So much for an emergency.... I went through the whole adrenaline rush for nothing.

Still, the txt raised an important point: HALF TERM!!!!
Its very soon!!! Only a week away!!!
And Im wasting them by going somewhere near Devon, where its blatantly gonna rain while London is bathed in beautiful sparkly sunlight... Because that ALWAYS happens to me.

Most of Devon is outside the broadband area. And its difficult to get phone signal in some places. Which means that communication with civilisation will be restricted, if it is even possible.

C'est tres grim.

Is grim even a word in french?

Monday, October 10, 2005 goes on.....

Today, Im writing in purple, because Im feeling very purple.

As I sat in french this morning, it suddenly struck me how funny life is.

I mean, think about it....
Life is a pretty wierd thing when you actually get to grips with what it involves.
If you didnt laugh, you'd cry. And Ive always believed that its better to laugh than to cry when you're sitting in a french lesson...
I told Emma, and she laughed too...

Its good to be able to find life funny.

But life's also really serious. How sad would it be if I was dying, and I suddenly thought, "Wait, what did I do with my life? What did I achieve? Who did I help, What did I change? Did I make the world a better place?"

Sobering stuff, isn't it...?!

You know what?! Maybe life's not so funny after all...
Maybe us laughing at life is our way of avoiding the seriousness of life.
If we refuse to acknowledge that life is serious, then we do not have to do something serious with our lives. Thats definitely taking the easy way out....

Then again, how serious can your life be when you're 15 years and 10 months old? I think my life is pretty meaningful at the moment. It hasnt always been meaningful, but Im definitely going through a meaningful phase at the moment.....
Maybe coz its autumn....?!
Not that autumn really has anything to do with anythng...

This post is a bit stupid. It doesnt have a point really. I started out with a point, but then I contradicted myself and changed my point half way through. And now I dont think I have a point...

Im gonna go and do something more meaningful....